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How to Get Your Child Interested in Sports or Physical Activity

Children should get at least one hour of physical activity per day. That's at least absolute. When I was a kid, we spent a lot of time walking outdoors so there was never a question for just an hour, but now, with phones, TV and iPad, getting kids out there can be a challenge.

So how do we make children more active in everyday life? After raising 4 of my own children, I can recommend some of my top tips.

Find out what they really are interested in

You could be a hardcore baseball fan with your child's dream of becoming the next big star, but please do not let your projections determine their future. They may go to baseball just to please you, but they will not enjoy it if in their true passion is for tennis, for example. Do not force your child to do something they really do not want to do.

I encourage you to try all the different sports, even things that may be strange to you. Listen to your child and watch them, see what they think is the best and positively encourage them to continue.

Do not compare

I would not recommend comparing your child with others, "Billy is very good at playing basketball, he plays every day, why can not you be more like him?" This is an almost sure-fire way for your child to let go of basketball altogether. No one likes to be criticized. Instead, why not find a positive and encouraging way to encourage your child to play sports.

Teach by attitude

It is not surprising that children see their parents. If you tell them, "You have to exercise every day" but do not do it yourself, maybe they just do not want to listen to you. See if they can join you during your workout, be a morning of yoga on the beach or bike ride at night. They will be happy to spend time with you and will feel more natural if they are active if you are also active.

Got a dog?

If you have a dog at home, see if you can make your child the main pedestrian of the house. Make them feel important, say that it is their "dog" or that they are doing this job the best. Half an hour in the morning and half an hour at night - a great way to get them moving.

If you do not have a dog, encourage your child to walk or cycle anywhere. Not only is it better for the environment, something I really like, but it will also keep them fit.

Build a tree house

If you have a garden in your home, why not build a tree house? Children love making things, and when they're done they'll stay active by climbing them. If you can not own a tree house, why not hang a rope on a thicker branch and encourage your children to climb them? You can even get into a game, like a treasure hunt, with one of the clues on the rope.

Do something different

Very few people like routines, especially children who can not sit still for long. If you make them do ballet everyday for 6 months, they may get bored and lose interest. However, if you vary things occasionally, they will never know what will happen next and will be happy with the new adventure.

Maybe you can try new things every weekend, like surfing, rock climbing, tree adventure parks, trampolining, horse riding - anything you can think of. Make it a fun day. Your children will see new places and stay active in the process.

Sport class

Did you know that many gyms now have classes for children? They are performed in the form of games, such as jumping over obstacles. This allows children to have fun because they do not see it as a task, and fit at the same time. Not only that, but if you go with them to do your own thing, you will teach by example that going to the gym is a good thing to do.

Trampoline Park: Jam-Packed With Exciting & Healthy Activities

As time changes, new and advanced trends fit into the frame. The taste of food and clothing also changes because people try new things that enter the market. Similarly, from the past decade, the source of entertainment and enjoyment has also changed. Earlier people used to visit expensive lounges, bars, playgrounds and bring their toddlers to playgrounds and parks for fun but now, this is not good enough because the ultimate goal is to make a profit.

The trampoline park has taken its place from this lounge and bar and has become part of this industry with an explosion! Despite giving hours and hours of exciting fun, they also offer a fitting and powerful body from within and from outside. This is the reason for the rapid growth of the industry. Children can play and run and jump wherever they are, they are under total freedom. To get good and fun health, parks bounce covers various activities for people of all age groups.

Here are some of them:

Dodge Ball - With a Twist!
No matter you are a professional player or a beginner in a dodgeball game, here, everyone will be equally talented because things are a little different. If you think you're a master and can beat anyone with dodgeball, try in a trampoline park and give your best! Normally, this game is played on flat ground, obviously, but here the ground is made with a trampoline that does not let you settle but bounces again and again. While playing the game, instead of just to the left and right or ducking with a seat, you can even jump and, that too, higher to cheat the ball. Let your child master the various flips and jumps he always thought about.

Foam Pit - Falling Is Fun
Have you ever thought of falling from a decent height by pulling flips and jumps and not getting hurt? You would be thinking we are crazy, but this is possible. Trampoline parks have made it possible by foam boxes and balls named as Foam Pit in which you and your kids can fall a million times and will not even get a small scratch. Actually, the ground in this foam pit is covered with at least 10,000 foam cubes that always keep you above the ground.

Rope Swing - Find Tarzan Within You
The bounce park also offers exciting activities for children who want to encourage Tarzan or Ninja in themselves - Rope Swing. If you've tried it earlier, you'll be able to connect it to the outside world, unsafe to try but in a trampoline park, you and your kids can climb and swing the rope without worrying about landing because they'll always be safe. because of the trampoline.

This fear is my Sports Fellow

Competition is good, just as fear is good - if you will use it to your advantage instead of letting it use you. Fear can make us confused to make mistakes, to be uncertain, and to worry, but the fear used to our advantage can push us toward greatness. This is a double-edged sword. Because fear is internal, you have it, it's yours to use as you wish, if you ignore it, it may hurt you, if you use it, it can help you, give you an edge, especially in competition. How can I know this?

Well, it should be an experienced competitor in a human effort or athlete to understand exactly what I'm saying, but if you need more examples to help you understand this concept better, keep reading.

Recently, I read an interesting article online and watched a great video sponsored by Expert Sports Performance, the video entitled: "How a Frightened Athlete," by Loren Fogelman, a well-known sports psychologist.

In my view, I believe that Fear is an extraordinary thing, a great human soul driver, but Loren Fogelman reminds me of the truth that: "it motivates some people and stops others who die in their tracks," which is a fact.

However, I believe that if FEAR stops someone from achieving or causing them to choke on pressure, then I will submit to you that:

1.) They do not understand what fear is; and,
2.) They do not use FEAR as an adrenal shot for peak performance

All right, I say; too bad for them, if they compete against me or my team. Fear can be a disadvantage if you let it, or high-octane when you need it, YOU decide where. "It's all in your head" I always say it. Anyway, that's how I see it. A good book to read is: "Feel the Fear and Do It!" published in the 80s as a motivational type book.

As a competitive runner, I used to imagine footsteps behind me and ready to get through. Interestingly enough, I'm a pretty good athlete that does not happen much, but when it does happen it's a voice you never forget. This imagination during competitive races encouraged me to keep going or increase my speed to open a big gap between me and the other runners. Sometimes when I practice even today, I'll listen to my legs crashing down the path and picking up echo sounds and amplifying them in my brain to simulate the ever-feared steps, prompting me to run faster and faster.

The Netball Girls Stretching Exercise Needs to be Done

Netball is becoming a very popular sport for men and women in various countries. In addition, children can also have fun playing sports like that. Therefore, individuals may find a netball ball field in their community. Some sports centers even invest to create indoor and outdoor field. And, individuals may also find a different playing surface. But, to enjoy a fun game with your friends or loved ones, it's important that you do not loosen up before each game.

Stretching can sometimes be boring. However, stretching before the game can give you many benefits. For one, this will help you warm your muscles, which can improve your body movements. Furthermore, stretching exercises can also help you focus on the game as you can concentrate while stretching. And stretching can also help you reduce injuries. Some of the injuries that may be experienced by individuals are damaged knee ligaments and jammed fingers. Not to mention, because of the high-speed game game, some individuals may also have a sprained ankle. So, if you play with a netball girl team, you need to try this stretching exercise below.

Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching is one of the most popular exercises a netball player needs to do. Dynamic stretching activates the stretch reflex and adjusts the body to coordinate neuromuscular movements. In addition, this type of stretching can also reduce the risk of injury and improve player performance. Some of the most common dynamic stretching individuals can do is bend the knees, walk heels, squats, kicks, stem rotations and swing legs and arms.

Static Body Stretching

The next popular stretching individual can be performed before the lower-body static netball game. Static stretching reduces muscle pain after exercise or games. Plus, it also extends muscle flexibility beyond the familiar range of motion. This is possible because the muscle stretching group of the lower body of the body is subjected to the most pressure or load during the game.

Upper-Body Static Stretching

Finally, individuals can also opt for upper-body static stretching. This type of stretching also helps individuals to decrease the soreness of the upper back, shoulders, chest and arms. This type of stretching is also ideal after a light cardiovascular activity. With this type of stretching, individuals can improve their performance during the game which will help them win.

How To Play Netball Safely

All sports activities are fun and exciting. However, there are also risks involved that can definitely affect your game or even your well-being. It gets even worse if you participate in team sports like a netball ball. Because of this, there are some players who are looking for ways how to play netball safely. Fortunately, there is a simple but effective way to do it. To find out more, here are some things to watch out for to make the netball game fun, fun and safe.

Train well and regularly

First and foremost, it is important for players to practice well and regularly. It is important to help you tighten your bones and muscles. Frequent training can also help individuals improve their endurance which is an important factor in every game. But, during practice, it is best that you follow this program to avoid potential injury. Not to mention, rest is also important during exercise to help muscles and bones release and release tension.

Look for reliable teammates and coaches

In order to play netball games safely, it is also important for you to find reliable teammates and coaches. By having a reliable teammate, you can focus on your position and play well. In addition, your co-workers can also help you make better decisions in court, which can reduce the risk of injury. Meanwhile, teams with coaches can improve security during the game as coaches can help their players to unleash their full potential without jeopardizing their mental and physical abilities. Coaches can also protect players if they see unusual actions that can cause injury as well.

Do not forget to have a good warm up

Another way to safely play a netball game is to do a good warm up. One of the main reasons why an injured athlete is because heating is not enough. With a warm up before the game, you can stretch your muscles properly. Plus, warming up can also help you focus on the game, which can help you win.

Participate in the game with the referee

Finally, to ensure safety on the soccer ball field, make sure the game is safe and fair, make sure you have the referee. Umpires can ensure that all players are safe during the game. Not to mention, hard physical contact can also be avoided.

Win at Pub Quizzes

I have been doing and running a pub quiz for fifteen years, and now run a Quiz pub in Girona, Catalonia, Spain, for Catalan languages ​​at a certain level of English learning, and native speakers. Here are five ways to win, or at least give the team a better chance of winning at the pub quiz.

1. Right Size

The optimal pub quiz team size is four. Whatever anthropological evidence in the pudding dynamics of a good pub quiz team and even a not so good pub quiz team is better with four people. A team of three people does not have the knowledge needed to win, and a team of five people seems more responsible for denying it. Of course, there are a lot of not-so-good pub quiz teams of four who have no knowledge and opinions, but I'll cover it later.

After settling on the Pub Quiz team, we can see four other factors in the good Pub Quiz team.

2. Scattered Knowledge

There needs to be good knowledge scattered in the team if it will work well. Four people who know a lot about football and nothing else will not give the team a good score in public knowledge quizzes, and the pub quiz just about football narrows down the customer base. Of course there will be some specialism within the team members, but widespread knowledge sharing throughout the team is a great starting point for being a competitive team. So why not three, not four? You can have three people that just you will not have as wide a knowledge spread as you do with four.

3. Fourth person

The fourth person often feels they are not contributing to the team. "I never knew the answer to all the questions." they may regularly complain. But this is because they only remember giving three answers out of forty. What matters with the fourth person, the person who contributes little to the answer, not how many questions they answer, but which question they answer. If they answer three questions that no one else in the team can answer, and the team win two points, then their contribution is very important to the team. The donation of this person often corresponds to the character in the daytime television soap, not the number of months Jupiter, but the question was asked in Pub Quiz,

4. Who Gets a Pen

One important decision to do is who the pen is. People with pens must listen to the views of others. They should be able to give clear choices before the team and write down what the team considers to be the answer. This all takes about fifteen seconds, so it would be natural to do so. The person who is least fit to hold a pen is someone who knows everything, and gives a wrong answer before there is any argument about it. Then when the answer given by the quiz master is different, there will be no apology from him, but 'oh yes, I mean that,' the response. They will not learn from experience, and the same thing will happen again if they have a pen. It could be said that this person should not be in the team in the first place, but with proper control of their knowledge base - they may be an electrical engineer or something, could be useful to the team. Anyway, let's remember sometimes it's hard to get four people together into one team and most friends have serious flaws, otherwise why are they friends?

5. The First Answer is the Best Answer

The first answer to pub quiz questions is often the right answer. After writing an answer, it's best not to change unless you know it's the wrong answer, and you've found a better and more appropriate answer, or you're sure you have the right answer. Nothing is more annoying than answering your first answer and entering a successor, only to find that the first answer you gave is correct.

Factors Often Ignored When Choosing a Netball Place

To enjoy a beautiful netball game with your friends or relatives, it is important for you to look for the netball places in your area. In other countries, there are many places to choose from. Unfortunately, some players ignore certain factors when choosing. To avoid this, here are some of the following.

Do not consider the size of the place

One of the most abandoned factors players make when looking for a netball place is they do not think about size. Of course, there are cases when you and some of your friends want to play netball just for fun. However, when looking for a place for a big event or competition, choosing a small one can create stress because you can not accommodate the number of participants or visitors. So, it is best to check the size first.

Ignore the facility of the place

The next factor that is usually overlooked is the venue facility. Most of the time, players just check the netball field. If the court is good to use, they forget about the other features of the facility. For example, there are some places that do not have a clean locker room. There are also times that food and drink are inaccessible because there are no shops in or near the facility. Because of this, playing can be tiring. Plus, you can not relax before a game that can affect your ability.

Failed to check the security of the place

There are also some individuals who failed to check the security of the premises. When it comes to security, most individuals check out common security features like personnel hanging around surveillance cameras. Unfortunately, this security feature is sometimes not enough, especially if you think about the security of your goods. Thus, you need to make sure they have lockers with sturdy locks. It is also best to find a netball place that has a parking area. And, it is also important to ensure that the facility has a good fence if you hold a competition at the venue.

Forgot to ask about the price

Finally, there are also some players who forget to ask about the tariff. Of course, you can find a place that can give you all the best facilities, but it is quite expensive. To avoid it, you can join a netball organization. This is ideal because some places offer discounts to players who are members of a particular organization. In addition, organizations can also help players schedule and plan netball competitions more efficiently.

How to Overcome Athletic Season Ends and Beginning of Offseason

The end of the season is a time for coaches to evaluate, reflect, and improve themselves from the season that just happened. There are many activities that the trainer can do to help with this process. One thing he has to do is end this year's meeting with each of their players. This meeting should consist of players explaining how they thought that year. What they think they should improve and what they think may be improved by the coach or team. Once the players have finished talking then the coach should explain how they think the player is performing and what the player can fix for next season. This is important because players and coaches may have different views on how the player performs. By letting players talk and feel like their opinions are appreciated, it creates a connection between the player and the coach. This allows coaches and players to trust each other on a deeper level. Well, once this is done, the offseason work can be handled.

Offseason time is the most unpleasant time of the year for an athlete, but this is the most important time for a developing athlete. It is time for veteran players to make their minds and bodies healthy and for the growing players to improve their speed, strength, and skills. The key to having a productive job opportunity is to have everyday goals that you choose to do something related to your sport. When I say the word goal, I mean there should be a set goal for each exercise, rehab session, or heavy lifting. The example of having a goal on the exercise is "I'll get better in my fake game by dribbling and shooting today" or I'll continue working on the ball below the zone today. "It's very productive because if you get better at something small every day, then at the end of 150 days offseason,

Another offseason thing allows players to do in addition to getting better on the field or court, is to give themselves a break from the wear and tear of the long season giving to their bodies. My recommendation for players who have a lot of pain and pain is not to do anything for at least 2 weeks. No lifting, exercise, or conditioning. This 2 weeks should be used to stay away from the sport. This is important not only for physical health, but also for mental health. This 2-week break will allow you to feel more energized and eager to get back to work when it's all over.

How to Improve Culture and Team Attitudes

Three must-do trainers to improve the team culture. These three things make the players buy the system, create a receiving environment, and build a hard work hope.

Getting players to buy a coach system can be a complicated process when it comes to athletic college level. This can happen because players come from all over the country and have been trained by different trainers throughout their lives. We will use baseball as an example. Nowadays, the majority of baseball players are the products of individual hitting coaches, infield trainers, or pitching coaches and these trainers believe their style is the best style. These players buy this coach philosophy because it makes them to the college level. Now, college coaches want to change something about players and players are reluctant to change because their college coach idea is not the same as their hit coach or pitching coach growing up. In order for coaches to get their players to buy, they have to make the players understand why the system works that way. The coach needs to have a meeting with the players and explain to them that we are doing this exercise because helping "X" and then "X" will help us become a better player. If players do not understand why they are doing what they are doing, then they have no chance to buy what the coach believes. Another thing that the coach needs to do is to show their players successful results because of the system they run. They should show players the current stats and videos of older players who played for them. For new coaches, they should show them statistics and video teams that run systems similar to what the new coach is trying to implement. My head coach at ISU holds meetings at the beginning of each year and tells us the new exercises we're going to do and explains each exercise. It helps my teammates trust my coach and this creates a sense of trust among players who know that everyone is on the same page working towards the same goal.

The reception environment is important for player learning and development. A player who feels threatened and unimportant is much more likely to fail than to succeed. A player in a safe and accepting environment will be open to new ideas and will bounce back from failure faster because they know if they fail to try, they will not be punished, but are praised for having tried. One way to create a receiving environment is to be a supportive leader rather than an achievement-oriented leader. A leader who emphasizes results rather than processes can create unnecessary pressure on players. Baseball is a game where failure occurs much more than success. Coach who preaches hit every time will make players press more matches. This will make the player tense in the in-game situation because the player knows that if he is not hit by a punch he will be punished or yelled at. The coach who preaches hit the ball out loud does not care if it's a punch or punch will make the player feel more comfortable in the dough box, which will produce a harder ball, which will eventually end up with more hits for the team. The process is much more valuable in baseball than the result.

Bible Animation Character - What Happened To It?

A bible character is the heart and soul of a cartoon series. Without a proper Bible character you can not even begin to talk to anyone about your concept. I have seen many bibles characters from producers around the world in recent years asking for joint production cooperation. I have seen that really good and very horrible. After receiving several questions asked about what goes into a character bible, I have written this entry to give some insight on this topic. Here are the various herbs that should be good biblical characters.

It's important to have a synopsis in your character's Bible. This is the foundation you build for the whole story and this should be concise, but not verbose enough so it can not be read or explained in 3 minutes or less. Try to make this one pager if possible. The shorter you can make this and keep it, the better.

Include the most important character designs in your character bible. Be sure to spend a lot of time making them look good and make sure they appreciate your concept. A bible character must be more visual than words, featuring maximum character design - with various poses and phrases of the main character. Props - if any - should also be exhibited. It's very important to show potential characters if they become animated or licensed for various reasons. People who read bible characters should be able to feel the characters for who they are and get ideas from the show through the design of this character.

Ideally the character description of the text should not be verbose, as not many people actually read all the text. The character description should only describe the most important character characteristics to keep it short and fast to read. Visuals must be pre-sales, and text make sales.

It would be better to display the location of a particular key and also provide an illustration or storyboard about how the world of the property is visible.

In essence, it would be better to leave as little allegations as possible-to work with as many perspective partners as possible, so that brand identity and property values ​​are not disturbed.

Lastly - for properties that are primed for animation - you may want to include something called an 'episodic synopsis' - which describes the stories that can happen in an animation sequence. This is usually done by 'doctors' - which can also help to improve the overall background of the story and character description.
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